
About ONG41008

  • ONG41008 is a first-in-class anti-fibrosis drug candidate which act as a TGF-beta inhibitor with novel target.
  • It shows excellent preclinical efficacy on the fibrosis of major organs such as Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(IPF) and Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis(NASH).

The mechanism of action of ONG41008

  • ONG41008 acts as an actin depolymerizer and has a mechanism to prevent the activation of TGF-β, a major mediator of fibrosis.

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)

  • It is a rare disease that causes fibrosis in the lungs due to unknown causes and gradually loses it`s respiratory function.
  • Usually, two-thirds of patients die within five years of diagnosis and there are currently no effective drugs.
  • The global market size is expected to grow $0.7bn in 2017 to $2.9 in 2021.(source: Datamornitor healthcare)

In vivo data - IPF

The clinical development strategy of ONG41008

  • ONG41008 has the goal of reaching higher therapeutic efficacy than standard drugs through combo therapy.

NonAlcoholic SteatoHepatitis (NASH)

  • NASH is an inflammatory fibrotic liver disease caused by aggravation of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)
  • About 30% to 40% of the US adult population is known to have NAFLD, and about 5% have NASH (source: NIDDK)
  • NASH can lead to liver cirrhosis, which can lead to loss of life, but currently no effective treatments have been developed.
  • The global market size is expected to grow to $ 20bn, with a CAGR of 46% by 2025. (source: Research and markets)

In vivo data – NASH